Boys of Color

To Save Black Boys We Must Teach Them How to Read

by Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

Only 12% of Black males are proficient in reading by 8th grade.  If this was the case for White males, the media would categorize this as an epidemic and a national security risk.  If a Black male is not proficient in reading by the 4th grade, they only have a 20% chance of graduating from high school on grade level.  America is not doing very well teaching Black boys how to read in the primary grades.  They are atrocious in the upper grades.  I never imagined when I wrote Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, that governors were going to use my fourth grade research to build more prisons.

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Why We Should Care About Boys of Color …

By Tyrone C. Howard & Adrian Huerta

The disenfranchisement of boys and men of color is an urgent and chronic problem in the U.S. A report by the Office of Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education revealed that Black and Latino boys are three times more likely than their white peers to be suspended or expelled from schools and more likely to not finish high school. Continue reading

Broken Dreams And Financial Illusions: The Secret Depression Of Black Men

by Marcus Bright, Ph.D.

There is a secret depression that is rooted in economics that many Black men battle. It is hidden underneath an assortment of layers including an exaggerated bravado, drug and alcohol abuse, misdirected anger, and other forms of destructive behavior. Fantastical illlusions are also a tool that is deployed to cope with the humbling realities of an often marginalized existence. Continue reading

The Real Choice in Education: Will We Help Every Student Succeed?

By  Jeff Edmondson, Michael McAfee, Anne Williams-Isom

Eight-year-old Jaquan was facing many of the same challenges as countless other kids in low-income urban, rural, and suburban communities across the country: subpar schools, inferior healthcare and nutrition, and scarce opportunities to lift his sights above the poverty all around him. Meanwhile, his mom was struggling to pay the rent on a part-time job with a below-poverty income. Continue reading

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