Your donation positively impacts the lives of hundreds of boys of color who are aspiring to overcome the pull of gang life, and low high school graduation rates in this poor & moderate income area of South Central Los Angeles.
Most of our boys live in father-absent households and desperately need positive male role models and friends in their lives. That is where your money goes to accomplish.
Thanks… You are a blessing !!!
Marcus Bruce Farrow
Co-Founder & Chairman
$1,000 +
Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr.
LaDonna & Marcus Farrow
Brenda & Elziroy “Sonny” Porter
Andrea & Roland Wiley
Michaela & Paul Jackson, Jr
Terri & Charles Solomon
Friends of Fuller B. Gordy
Pauline & Alex Williams
Nicole & Matthew Moore
Blanche & Paul Jackson, Sr.
Nancy & Derek Lewis
Janet Bailey
Lore Hilburg, Esq.
$500 – $999
Frank Wilson
Trevor & Reyna Rice
Urban Hope Ministries
Berry Gordy Family Foundation
Marjorie Ford
Audrey Taylor
$100 – $499
Wendy Dean
Arnett Duncan
Mary Jackson
George L. Mallory & Associates
Clarence Rucker
Christine Taylor-Butler
Ernie Hernandez
Clarence Rucker Jr.
Narva Crear
Marjorie Ford
Tom & Doria Lillig
Fred Dowd
Brad Edwards
Yvette Martin
Stoney Gillespie
Grover Porter
Bill Conine
Browning Yelvington
Eunice David
Lisa Dawson
Leonard & Iva Wilson
David & Mpambo Shaw
Lydia Green
DSK Landscape Architects
Veronica Moser
Anita Boorman
Richard Reinhardt
Sharron Tarry
Eric Cadena