THE MENFORMATION PROJECT, INC. is a community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides group mentoring & academic coaching for boys of color (ages 8 to 17 years old).
Our mission is to help our boys succeed in school & stay out of jail. Our mentor team leaders are certified trauma informed care facilitators & trainers, inspiring our boys to live guided by the 22 Principles of Manhood.
Our vision is to bring thousands of boys together with men from all walks of life, in a safe fun environment to share life skills plus goal setting tools to cultivate positive growth in character, enhance financial literacy, adjust attitudes, and improve educational outcomes.
Our 4th Saturday Group Mentoring relationship matches boys with a team of trained mentors in an 10-month commitment (Jan~Oct). All boys are welcome to signup for free. We maintain a 3:1 ratio of boys to mentors in teams.

California Mentor Foundation reports when boys have a caring mentor,
98% stay in school; do not become teen parents;
don’t use drugs, and avoid gang participation.
Unfortunately, boys of color are less likely to have a mentor !!!

MENFORMATION positively impacts the lives of boys of color, many are in father-absent households and desperately need positive male role models and friends.
MENFORMATION delivers social services to disadvantaged boys that produces child development and improves community development.
in partnership with

seated Robert Gordy, Iris Gordy & Marcus Farrow
Will You Help US ???
5 Ways you can help:
♠ Be a Mentor ~ commit to attend monthly Saturdays 9am to 1pm
♠ Be a Friend ~ agree to attend at least one Saturday this year.
♠ Be a Partner ~ donate at least $10.00 per month (buy lunch for a kid).
♠ Be a Tutor ~ weekly after school mentutoring
♠ Be a Volunteer ~ willing to do whatever you can to help.