Giving Boys a Guide to Manhood …

THE MENFORMATION PROJECT, INC. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community benefit organization founded in 2008. We conduct group mentoring and rites of passage for 8 to 17 year old boys of color.

Our mission is to help boys stay in school & stay out of jail !!! Our team of mentors inspire boys to live a life of integrity guided by the 22 Principles of Manhood.

MENFORMATION brings boys together with men from all walks of life, in a safe & fun environment to share life-skills and goal setting tools to encourage and cultivate positive growth in character, better educational aptitudes, and financial literacy.

Our group mentoring relationship is a 10-month commitment (Jan~Oct). Any boy can enroll free of cost. We maintain a 3:1 ratio of boys to mentors in teams.

California Mentor Foundation reports that when boys are mentored well: 98% stay in school; 98% do not become teen parents; 85% do not use drugs; and 98% avoid gang participation. Unfortunately, boys of color are less likely to have a mentor.

MENFORMATION works in partnership with Challengers Boys & Girls Club and charter schools in this low and moderate income area of South Central Los Angeles.

MENFORMATION positively impacts lives for hundreds of at-risk boys. Most of our boys live in father-absent households and do not see positive male role models.

MENFORMATION delivers social services to disadvantaged boys that produces individual child development and improves community development.

4th Saturdays Monthly Group Mentoring (Antique Oakland  font) 448x35ALL BOYS WELCOME

ages 8 to 17 years old


Basketball  •  Tennis  •  Chess •  Video Games

10:00am to 1:00pm


Challengers Club logo5029 South Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90037

(310) 984-6931

Challengers Club

be someone who matters wrods only


Group Photo Menformation 2014-10-22 (640x427)

PO Box 18916 | Los Angeles, CA 90018
CashApp click> $menformation
VENMO click> @menformation
CLICK to see IRS 501(c)(3) Status Letter

Chris Paul & NBA ALL STARS @ Mentors

Be A MENTOR Who Matters to Someone